Skin Tips For The 40 Plus Skin

Skin Tips For The 40 Plus Skin

Collagen is like scaffolding for the skin, which is an important thing to maintain as we age for younger-looking skin. As we age this weakens increasing sagging and wrinkling skin

How do we increase Collagen? There are a few ways

Supplementation (I could do a whole post on this)! 

Marine collagen as a supplement is very important for maintaining the structure of the skin and leaves skin feeling very hydrated. There are different types of collagen but marine is better absorbed into the body.

It is also an important antioxidant.  

I love marine and notice a huge difference in my skin when I use this.  I swear I look younger.

Omega threes for hydration. Instrumental in the health and glow of our skin. It's a natural anti-inflammatory that helps prevent wrinkles. It is amazing for the hydration levels of your skin. Most of us do not get enough omega threes in our diet and can really benefit from supplementation of a omega-three supplement.

Serums for anti-aging

Product with peptides and growth factors. Products that stimulate collagen and fibroblasts to minimize the loss of it in your skin.

Retinals are the buzz word for anti-aging. A proper formulation can encourage cell turnover and stimulate collagen growth. Talk to a professional for recommendations as it can be incredibly hard on the skin and cause irritation.


As we age our cells do not turn over as quickly. For example:  

A baby's skin cells turn over approximately every two weeks, but as well age the cell turnover progressively gets slower and can take up to 90 days for the cells to turn over. Exfoliation encourages this process and shows brighter healthier skin. It also helps your products absorb better into your skin. I love a gommaging technique that gently digests dead skin and balls it up as you rub the product on your skin.  

It is gentle and less irritating than a scrub type exfoliation. I also like a chemical exfoliation like lactic acid or glycolic. This can be done 1-2 times per week.  

Micro-current and radio frequency at home and in treatment.  

Microcurrent is like a workout for your skin. It also helps stimulate collagen and tighten skin appearance. An in spa treatment will be a bit stronger which is great to do once a month, but it is a cumulative effect so getting an at home machine can help your skin start tight in between treatments. I have recommendations for machines too…

Radio frequency works a bit differently but is an amazing way to lift and tone the skin, It uses heat energy to stimulate collagen and elastin. It's one of my fav ways to see a natural lift. These treatments are usually reasonably priced and are best done once a month in spa.  A bonus would be having a machine at home to continue the benefits weekly!

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